REZEPT: glutenfreier Erdbeer-Pavlova

Rezept für glutenfreien Erdbeer-Pavlova

ZUTATEN für den Baiser:
4 Eiweiss, ca. 130 g
1 TL Essig
1 TL Speisestärke
175 g Zucker

ZUTATEN für die Garnitur:
250ml kalte Schlagsahne + evtl. Sahnesteif
500g Erdbeeren

Den Ofen auf 130° vorheizen. Nun die Eier trennen und das Eiweiß auf Zimmertemperatur bringen. Mit dem Salz steif schlagen und nach und nach den Zucker einrieseln lassen, weiterschlagen, bis die Masse glänzt und sehr fest ist. Essig und Speisestärke ganz kurz unterrühren.

Von einer Springform den Boden abnehmen und unter ein Stück Backpapier legen oder auf die Unterseite des Papiers einen Kreis (ca. 25 cm) malen. Die Baisermasse rund verteilen, glatt streichen und eine Mulde formen - hier kommt später die Sahne rein.

Die Ofenhitze auf 100°C reduzieren und den Pavlova in der unteren Hälfte des Ofens 1 1/4 bis 1 1/2 Stunden backen.

Den Kuchen im ausgeschalteten Ofen auskühlen lassen.

Erst kurz vor dem Servieren den Pavlova mit Sahne befüllen, anschließend mit Früchten garnieren und mit etwas Puderzucker bestreuen. 

4 Kommentare

  1. Gluten-free recipe for Strawberry Pavlova, a popular meringue-based dessert topped with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. Made without flour, this dessert is naturally gluten-free, as it primarily uses egg whites, sugar, and cornstarch to create a light, crisp meringue shell. The dessert is perfect for gluten-sensitive individuals who enjoy a sweet, fruity treat. This pavlova is often served as a light, elegant dessert for summer gatherings or special occasions.
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  2. Gluten-free recipe for Strawberry Pavlova, a popular meringue-based dessert topped with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. Made without flour, this dessert is naturally gluten-free, as it primarily uses egg whites, sugar, and cornstarch to create a light, crisp meringue shell. Fairfax Criminal Defense Attorney A criminal defense attorney in Fairfax who focuses on criminal law and has a solid reputation for protecting clients from a range of criminal accusations is essential. Being in Northern Virginia, Fairfax, Virginia, is home to a sizable number of criminal defense lawyers with a range of backgrounds and specialties.

  3. Strawberry Pavlova, a well-known meringue-based dessert garnished with whipped cream and fresh strawberries, can be made gluten-free. Since the main ingredients for this dish are egg whites, sugar, and cornstarch to make a light, crisp meringue shell, it is inherently gluten-free and made without flour. Weapons Offense Lawyer in fairfax A lawyer with experience in criminal defense, particularly in cases involving firearms, is a weapons offense lawyer in Fairfax, Virginia. Look for reviews that discuss the attorney's familiarity with Virginia state law regarding firearms, concealed carry, and other weapons charges. The attorney obtained favorable verdicts, had cases dismissed, or effectively lowered charges.

  4. Strawberry Pavlova, a well-known meringue-based dessert garnished with whipped cream and fresh strawberries, can be made gluten-free. Since the main ingredients for this dish are egg whites, sugar, and cornstarch to make a light, crisp meringue shell, it is naturally gluten-free and made without flour. fairfax assault lawyer An attorney with experience and expertise in sexual assault matters is a Fairfax assault lawyer. Because assault legislation can be so complicated, a lawyer focuses on criminal defense—especially assault cases—will be better able to manage your case.
